martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

Communicative Competence Video

In this video, I'm going to talk about the communicative competence based on Jack C. Richards videos and the Sarah Thurrell and Dornyei's text. 
In this video, I will try to summarize all the information related with communicative competence components. I'm going to talk about the five strenghts according to Jack C. Richards. Later, I'm going to talk about the areas described by the communicative competence models. The first model was proposed by Canale and Swain. The second model was created by Bachman, and finally, the third model was proposed by Sarah Thurrell and Dornyei. 

This video was a little difficult to record because I needed more organization to talk about each model, and because some words were difficult to pronounce. On another hand, I was a little nervous because I'm not accostumed to talk in front of a camera.

5 comentarios:

  1. i liked the content in each part of this vedeo, but you lost the organization. During the video you were saying, ok or so try to avoid these words also sounds as mmm because auduence get distract and it was my case. Sheets of paper was a good idea to help you in the develop of the topic and in the organization. I know that we were nervous, but being conversational could be useful to let the listener inderstand more the topic. Finally i am sorry of your conclution, it was poor,you had good points to reforce the intention of the video, you could mention your own opinion also how this method is apply in our english classes.

    1. After an analysis of your comment, we discovered some aspects you should improve in your
      English production.

      First. You should check spelling in some words such as "vedeo" "inderstand" "reforce" and "english". Punctuation. The correct use of commas , dots, and quotation marks. The use of prepositions in "I am sorry of your conclution" changed to "I am sorry for your conclution" . And the use of vocabulary, as in "To understand more" to "To understarnd better"

      Second. The selection of accurate tenses according to what you want to express. As in "During the video you were saying", "Sheets of paper was a good idea" and "You could mention".

      Finally. Expressing clearer ideas as in "Being conversational" (What do you mean by "Being conversational) sounds kind of ambiguous. "It was my case" (Expressions influenced by the mother tongue). And "Finally I am sorry of your conclution" (You meant " I am sorry but your conclution was poor?")

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    3. I really like the fact that you talked about Richards at first.His focus made me understand better this whole communicative competence thing. And with the things you said it was a bit clearer.

      I would like see you speaking a bit louder and maybe with more enthusiasm, because in some parts i got totally lost and distracted.

      Maybe if you're nervous you should record your video twice, in that way you can see where you're making mistakes and correct them.

      One of the things you should do Victor it is make some cards where keywords will be content, in that way you could easily check information and also the way you order it.

  2. You wrote "I'm going to talk about the communicative competence" remember, "The" is used to particular things so maybe you want to change it to "I'm going to talk about communicative competence" instead.

    "the areas described by the communicative competence models" I'm confuse. Could you make a clarification to me?

    I could notice you were nervous but could managed to do it.
