jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Summative and formative assessment concept map

Today I am going to explain the concepts of summative and formative assessment using a concept map. This concept map is based on the Sandra Myers essay. These types of assessments are going to be useful to understand and apply, because these are going to be part of the planning, and mainly, of the possible future educational programs where we are going to perform our lessons.
First of all, formative assessment refers to timely feedback, it means that we are going to provide feedback step by step without giving a grade. The results have to do with the encouragement of students performance, the development of confidence and disposition.
On another hand, summative assessment refers to the process where we are going to assess during a specific time, ending with grading.

I must say that all depends on the students' needs, because only knowing their performance, we will be able to take decisions. Both assessment types are useful, but it will better to take account the features from each one, because as the essay says, they are codependent.
Finally, this time I tried to develop a more organized map than the last one. I have used some terms from the reading, but at the same time I tried to use my own words. 

3 comentarios:

  1. "These types of assessments are going to be useful to understand and apply" I could not get the idea...what you meant by that? I would like to know

    Apart from that I really like your introduction, you sumarized correctly what both kind of assessment are.

    As usual, your map is well organazied but I would like to see more colours. You know in the other boxes.

    In "I must say that all depends on the students' needs" What you mean by "all"

    Dont forget to add "better to take INTO account"

    I really like the overall result of the task.

  2. what you mean with this "These types of assessments are going to be useful to understand and apply"
    i did not understand, I think you have to chace the word useful because it is giving your readers problems of comprenhension.
    Now in this part "and mainly, of the possible future educational" there is a problem with comas, in my oponion coma is cutting your idea. And the last mistake that I noticed was here "to take account" that is to take into account.
    Your concept map has a better organization than the fist one.

  3. Your concept map has a better organization than the first one.
