martes, 23 de junio de 2015


In this video I'm going to talk about testing, and specifically about realiability and validity. Reliability and validity are two important principles which we need to consider in creating and applying tests. Reliability deals with the grade which a test measures what is supposed to be measured. Additionally, validity deals with how well the measuring is appropiate according to what is supposed to be measured. In other words, reliability measures testing's content, and validity measures reliability. Both principles contain some features which are methods to test realiability and validity, each one has advantages and disadvantages.

As a conclusion, I could say that is most useful trying each type of validity and realiability in order to be familiarized with the process of elaboration and validating. As I said in the video, the most important factor is to consider purposes and context.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Testing: concept map

In this new entry, you will be able to see a concept map based on the systematic assessment procedure: testing. Testing as an assessment tool can have different purposes, so there will be different types of tests. In the bottom of the map, you will see the kind of tests that we are able to develop according to their purpose and scoring manner. In the top left, the map will display their components. In the right part, you will see the cornerstones that are part of the design of a test.

For the development of this concept map, I noticed that each element was so important in order to understand the whole issue. Testing has more implications than I used to think. In someway, some kinds of test are very related, even two or more types of tests can be applied at the same time. However, it would be very helpful to apply any kind of these tests in our future lessons, in order to become more familiar and get confident with their use.

martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Formative assessment: Integration


Assessment purpose
The purpose of this rubric is to develop student’s ability in order to recognize and produce sentences related with introducing. The student will be able to introduce by himself and to understand others when they are introducing themselves.

The procedure was challenging because the oral presentation represents the final product of the introducing yourself lesson. My peers and I had to develop two previous activities where communicative competence is involved, and we had to align each component into this final activity where students will be able to do it by themselves in front of the public.

In my opinion, some students could feel not very comfortable speaking in front of the others, so there would be a lack of participation. On another hand, there could be some students who may not understand some instructions. There could be a lack of comprehension in the students’ speech. However, the previous two activities are in charge of developing practice on numbers, age, nationalities, and participation.

Rubistar in the development of the rubric
I have found Rubistar as a helpful tool, because there are examples of rubrics, and it provides examples of categories which are guides in the rubrics development. Each category that Rubistar provides is related with the kind of rubric that we want to develop. In addition, there is a variety of topics that could be accurate with your lesson purposes. For that reason, Rubistar is a guidance because you can know more about the requirements that you want to assess in order to obtain a suitable rubric for your lesson.

Scale based on Minerva Model

Scale’s  Purpose                     
The scale aims to know more about students’ opinions according to theirs lessons. The classes are an integration of teaching and learning, so it is supposed that students have an opinion about how some elements are being developed inside the classrooms. Students are going to choose the grade with they feel suitable according to some important elements that are involved in the process teaching-learning. The elements have to do with social integration, sociocultural learning, and learning autonomy.


How does blog work for the teacher, classmates and me?
The blog is a portfolio and it can be seen several times since it is a virtual item. Blog can include a long amount of work and tasks because its capacity is bigger than a common portfolio. The teacher can explore and can integrate different elements in order to create a more complex and extended use of resources. 
For the classmates, blog can be seen as a source of information because each one can compare his work and can take some examples to improve his own work. Also, blogs provide the possibility to comment, discuss and solve some misunderstandings. The interaction is timely, so there is no need to wait everyone in order to justify and explain the work.
For me, working with blog as portfolio had not been something instructional until I took this class and I read the purposes that a portfolio has. It has been something different because now I know that is just not about evidences. Blog has worked as a complement of what I have read, because I had to work in maps and videos in order to understand topics deeply.

To what extent does it match in practice what you read?
Blog matches with the readings accurately, because it is an instructional tool. Blog includes all the works in order to create a whole project that aims to know, understand and apply all the information about assessment.

Would I implement in my own classes? Why? Or why not? 
Yes, I would like to. I would use blog as portfolio because it is an interactive tool. I would like to have a great amount of students doing their performance and trying to use a variety of resources. However, before to apply a blog, I would take into account if all the students have the same possibility to use a blog. In addition, I would take into account if the blog is going to have a sequence in future courses, or if the purposes are going to be accomplished by the following teachers

viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

Formative assessment tools video

In the following video, I am going to talk about some features of the formative assessment tools. Formative assessment tools can be applied in courses as timely feedback, because these aim to assess the progress of the student performance. Concept maps, rubrics and portfolios are some types of assessment tools. Concept maps are going to be useful to evaluate knowledge comprehension. Rubrics are going to be useful in terms of establishing requirements and quality grades. Finally, portfolios are the collection which provide information about progress and growth.

During the making of this video, I noticed that I had a great amount of pauses and some misunderstandings. However. I tried to give a wide reflection than my previous video.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Formative assessment tools: concept maps, rubrics, and portfolios

Greetings. Today I am going to show you my new concept map. The topic from today has to do with the tools that are part of the formative assessment: concept maps, rubrics, and portfolios. In the following concept map, I will explain some features and some conditions where these tools are applied. Each one of these tools aim to provide feedback during the moment they are performed, so I think this is the main similarity that they share with.

This time, I did not focus on the types of concept maps, types of rubrics, and so on. I just tried to give a brief explanation of the features. I hope this map may be legible for you.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Formative and summative assessment video

In the video from today,  I'm going to talk about  formative and summative assessment. I am going to explain some features from both kind of assessments, so you will see some advantages and disadvantages when they are applied in the instructions. First, I will talk about formative assessment, and this type of evaluation refers to timely feedback. Next, I will explain the features from summative assessment which contains grades or scores. Finally, I will give my opinion about what kind of assessment is better to perform in lessons, and what factor we should to take account.

This time, I felt that I was more confident with the content and the organization of the video. However, there are still some problems with the pronunciation and the fluency. I have taken into account the advices that my peers gave me the last time. There are still some moments when I tend to repeat some words as "ok" and "so", but I will try to avoid them in the following tasks.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Summative and formative assessment concept map

Today I am going to explain the concepts of summative and formative assessment using a concept map. This concept map is based on the Sandra Myers essay. These types of assessments are going to be useful to understand and apply, because these are going to be part of the planning, and mainly, of the possible future educational programs where we are going to perform our lessons.
First of all, formative assessment refers to timely feedback, it means that we are going to provide feedback step by step without giving a grade. The results have to do with the encouragement of students performance, the development of confidence and disposition.
On another hand, summative assessment refers to the process where we are going to assess during a specific time, ending with grading.

I must say that all depends on the students' needs, because only knowing their performance, we will be able to take decisions. Both assessment types are useful, but it will better to take account the features from each one, because as the essay says, they are codependent.
Finally, this time I tried to develop a more organized map than the last one. I have used some terms from the reading, but at the same time I tried to use my own words.